Out & Back

This photo represents the cipher of the day--it means "a short out-and-back run in the dead dark of the dawn." I'm trying to get in as much mileage as possible before Christmas ever for beautiful Burbank. Z and I are going to visit the kids--the 2008 version of over the river and through the woods. He's driving; I'm going into work for a while and then flying later. I'll miss my computer. I realize that in this blog I'd like to take some time to look back and then look ahead, but also know that time for doing that may be limited in the remaining eight days of 2008. Looking back and looking ahead may be rather like an out-and-back run: I can do it, but in the end I can only find real meaning by taking step after individual step. Below, Bay Area signifiers that it's mid-winter! One interesting phenomenon I've observed over the course of my 2008 runs is that I'm manifestly back in touch with my photographic self. This has come about in such a ge...