Here and There

My running has actually been going well lately. (I hope the running gods aren't paying attention as I write this.) Z and I are living in the chaos of a house remodel--the current phase of this upheaval involves emptying the house of all our worldly goods and putting them in a storage container that looks like it came from the gulag--all so we can get the floors refinished.

Because of the domestic craziness, plus a lot of (welcome) freelance work, I'd have expected my running to suffer, but it hasn't. Also, we re-joined our old gym, and I've even been able lately to heft some iron (which is cool talk for "lift some not-very-heavy weights) a couple of times a week.

Last weekend I ran by Elaine Street. This as part of a visit made on the fly to my favorite nephew and his family, who are settling into a great house they recently purchased, in the burg they like to call Cartoon City. 

I haven't taken a lot of photos on the run, lately, a sure sign that my running is going well. I still often do a run-walk routine, but seem to forget the "walk" part of that rather frequently these days. It's hard to do my Ansel Adams imitation when I'm in constant motion.

This morning I headed out from the house about 6 am. I realized I've gotten slightly bored running either the Ohlone Greenway or the Emeryville Greenway for almost every blessed run, so I got wild and crazy and rane ast rather than north or south. I cruised by the Berkeley High track, which for a change was accessible through numerous portals--this because the whole south side of the campus was already crawling with big burly guys in hard hats. Construction on the BHS grounds has been the norm there for many months, so finding it going on, even quite early, was no surprise.

After looping the track three times I headed up to Milvia St., then crossed over to Virginia, ran south to the wonderful new section of the greenway, and headed home. 

Along my way down Virginia Street, I stopped off at Tot Land to do some crunches and sissy push-ups. I was tempted to take the trike for a spin!

At home, things had not changed; the furniture was mostly gone, the floors were dusty, the smell of fresh paint overrode any summer fragrances that might have wafted in, the cat was sulking over the disruption to his napping routine. But Z was there, the coffee was on, and I was full of endorphins, so life felt good.


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