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Is this a picture or a blank slate? It's merely the foggy sky, sans birds, sans planes, sans sunshine. Funny, the photo is a bit more blue than the sky was this morning. I guess my phone camera wears slightly lapis-colored glasses. BTW, feel free to tell me if you're getting tired of sky photos. For now I'm loving them. Maybe more fun to take than to view?
Tiny whine: I'm rrrreal tired of fog.
When I set out this morning I hadn't run since last Sunday. Have had a busy, busy week, one in which I decided to lay off for four days (an eternity in runner years--or do I mean dog years?) in order to work on a book with a tight deadline and to study for the final exam in a class I'm taking (an editing class--probably a good thing). So it was good to be out! Speaking of busy, I'm off to work. Have a good weekend, y'all.