Fourth Sunday Fun

That's what I had this morning. For the first time in many months (years?) I volunteered to help out at my running club's monthly race. Because I also wanted to get in a run of my own, I hightailed it over to Lake Merritt before the sun was up so I could do a loop before reporting for duty. 

Yesterday was rainy--unusual for this time of year--and my run for that day was a 4.75 miler with the Berkeley Half gang, an outing started, continued, and finished in a total downpour! (Now there's a blog post you're not going to see from me.)

Today, on the other hand, was gorgeous from the git-go. Lights reflecting off the mirror of the lake, pelicans purposefully paddling as the sun rose behind them. And me, doing a Slow-Zone run (see previous posts), sans Garmin, sans chronograph, sans stress.

After my run came the club run, which you could say was well run, in every sense of the word. Organizers and runners all shone, and not just because they were in the sun. A great time was had by all, and especially by me.


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