Macho, Macho (Wo)man

I saw a quote in this morning's paper that struck a chord in me. Erik Davis, a pitcher for a college baseball team, was recently struck in the face by a line drive that shattered his right cheekbone and orbital socket. Ouch.

Here's what he had to say: "People recover as quickly as they want to. You can look at things like this in one of two ways. You can regret it and feel sorry for yourself, or you can use it as an opportunity to make yourself better."

It may be that his remark is just a version of the rather meat-headed saying, "No pain, no gain." But somehow it hit home for me. I've been doing a LOT of whining about my shoulder injury. I have been able to return to running, and my mobility increases daily, but I still have a lot of pain, especially at night. I DO regret that this happened, and have been throwing regular pity parties for myself. So do you think I've ever have thought of viewing a painful injury as an opportunity? Not hardly.

Today, off I went to the gym. I decided to do some tests and see what hurt to do and what didn't. I have the OK from the wonderful and sadistic Patrick, my physical therapist, to do anything that doesn't hurt. (I figure he doesn't want me hurting me because he'd rather do it himself. And does he ever. But I digress.) I ran a mile on the treadmill--didn't hurt. I did some quad and hamstring work on the machines--didn't hurt. I did a little rowing on that pulley-thingy machine (that's the technical name for it)--didn't hurt. I did some ab work--bicycle kicks and crunches--didn't hurt. I did some easy bicep curls (5-lb. weights)--didn't hurt. I was starting to feel like Arnoldina Scwartzenwhatever, I'm telling you. Then I did some shoulder stretches that Patrick has prescribed to break up adhesions--did hurt.

Now I'm home, and icing the parts of my right arm and shoulder that are painful, which means I'm pretty much icing every part there is. But I feel good. Like maybe I'm facing an opportunity to become a stronger, braver person, and I'm not backing away from it. For today, anyway, which is the only day I've got.


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