
I think it was in 2005 (maybe 2004?) that Z and I embarked on a series of Saturday trips to various regional trails to run and then have a picnic lunch. Those times we carved out of our busy schedules were magical mini-vacations, almost as good as getting out of town for a week. We took to calling them "extravaganzas," and looked forward to them a lot. We probably only managed three or four in all, but since that summer they have stayed in both our minds as special days.

Fast forward from then to now. In 2007 we're older, a little more creaky, and busier than ever. But we still think with fondness of the extravaganzas. So much that, a couple of weeks ago, Z said to me, "Let's go down to Coyote Hills for a hike. We could take lunch."

"Yes!" was my immediate reply. "A Hike-aganza!"

So we did it. We picked a sparkling, cloudless day (see photo, above). A hike-aganza wasn't an extravaganza, but it was a fine thing, nevertheless. So today we did another one. It was more modest in scope, but turned out to be just what we needed. We left here around 11 a.m. for Sibley, were hiking by 11:30, picnicking by 1:00, and home, back at our desks working by 2:00. It was another sparkling day, a perfect Bay Area fall day (see photo, below).

I got so inspired that I put the few photos I took online, and someday plan to figure out all kinds of clever things to do with them. For now I'm proud to have gotten this far. I'm such a techie.

Hiking, especially done in our leisurely way (sounds better than "our sissy way"), isn't running. I find I get pleasantly warm, but for me there's no intense systemic boost of the kind I get from a good run. But there's much to be said for getting pleasantly warm, walking along with that guy I live with, and ending up at a picnic table chowing down on a hearty sandwich, some chips, and some fruit (okay, and a couple of cookies, too).

Credit to Z for finding and getting us to the 'ganza sites. I can't wait to see what he comes up with next. In the meantime, I think I'll go for a run Tuesday morning. I can't wait for that, either.


Sunshine said…
Oh wow... delightful and inspiring.
I am so impressed with your on-line pictures. (Haven't done that.)
What a sweet-aganza!

Happy Tuesday run.

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