Should I Stay or Should I Go?

That is my question. I have come very close to just deleting this blog because I never write in it any more. It seems harmless to let it just sit, but then it weighs on my mind as one more thing to do. I quit my full-time job, and one express purpose in doing that was to simplify my life and spend more of my time doing what I want to do rather than what I'm "s'posed" to do.

But. My running life goes on, and I feel the need to give it a bit more space than it gets in my daily log.

Log sample: Thursday, Sept. 7. 7:15 a.m., Las Vegas. Did 30 crunches. Ran from the Venetian up the Strip to the MGM Grand and back. Hard surface, many cars, huge, hideous casinos. Very warm! An interesting run. Later, swam a bit. Shoulder got achey, but did OK--even did a bit of breast stroke.

So there I record the essentials, but feel as if there was more to it. My numbah one son has a blog, and he told me he tries to write in it at least once a month. If I can do that, I'll stay. If not, then at the end of the year I'll go.

Just so you know, my shoulder is about 95% recovered. It's been more than three months. After my aquatic adventure in Vegas, it ached horribly for two days, but Patrick the divine and sadistic physical therapist says swimming was and is good for it. I was getting spoiled; the relentless pain I'd been having receded a lot after I had a steroid shot on August 17. My son the doctor tells me the shot I had is an analgesic but also a mood elevator. I haven't taken the elevator to the top, but have noticed I seem to have more energy lately. Better living through chemistry, I guess.

You can help me keep my blogging resolution by sending me a comment. I aspire to be as entertaining and prolific as my MIGHTY FINE nephew, the one who has lost lots of weight and shared his triumphs and despairs with the cyberworld, but despair of matching his example. Oh well, can't hurt to reach for the stars.


Gorgeous Nerd said…
If it makes you feel better, I check your blog every couple days or so to see if you've updated. :)

(Oh, and I'm one of the daughters of your nephew, by the way.)
Chris Manzoni said…
I wouldn't worry about posting too often, I still get a good sense of your running trials and tribulations, even when the entries are spread out widely.

Once a month is easier for me I think because my blog is so random, while yours has a pretty narrow focus. If anything pops into my head that I feel like writing down, I do so. While your blog is pretty much about running.

I think blogs are for the most part something for fun, not to be taken too seriously. If you post once every six months, so what? You should do it if you enjoy it, and not worry about it if you don't have the time or energy. It'll still be here when you do get around to it.

2 cents from the #1 Son.
Chris Manzoni said…
I left a comment before. Where is it? Please keep your blog.

Son #1.

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