Nothing Heavy Today
Some runs are like some days (many runs and many days, really), just sort of featureless. Nothing to see here, nothing to write home about. I'm in Aberdeen Maryland, which I guess is a bit more than same-old same-old. It's not news to me, however, since I've been here since last Tuesday. I've had a rather hard time making myself run--have done a lot of walking, and a couple of days ago walked right through some poison oak. The result has been interrupted sleep --itch! scratch! itch! So around 6 a.m. today I'd finally gotten to sleep--and didn't see getting upright and going out for some of the old left-right as a desirable alternative.
Eventually I rolled out of bed, however. I slogged on over to Aberdeen High, home of the large, majestic birds, and waltzed a few turns around the track plus huffed and puffed up and down the bleacher steps three times.
Mission accomplished, I headed back to the Daze Inn, up a street lined with elegant Victorians and back to my base camp in the land of cheap motels and strip malls.
As I stretched against a wall in the parking lot after my run, I glanced down and saw three pennies at my feet. I was sure they held some meaning, but whatever it was remained was hidden from me. I left them as they lay, figuring that if I put them in my pocket, whatever good luck they carried might leak out somewhere over Kansas when I flew back to California.
Better they stay where they are and enhance the lives of the Aberdeenians!