Quarter Moon Worth More Than a Dime to Me

One advantage to going out for an early run is that you sometimes get the gift of a silver moon hanging demurely in the pre-dawn sky. That happened for me yesterday morning. It was a quiet little run, cloaked in darkness most of the way. I went out early to make sure there was room in my day for a lot of pending busy-ness, half of which never even came to pass. Later in the morning I was able to spend 15 minutes sitting in a chair just listening to my breathing and trying not to solve the world's problems, which had come to my attention over cereal as I read the newspapers. All the time the world has problems, but also all the time (so far, anyway) my breath goes in and out. I can choose which of those phenomena to focus on. I find the day goes best when I divide my attention between the two. Not too much world saving, not too much navel-gazing. Today all I did was walk around here and there, most notably around the Lafayette Reservoir with my friend B. What a bucolic scene there. ...