A Run by the Truckee, 8/16/09, 6:30 A.M.

Peace I ask of thee, oh river
Peace, peace peace
When I learn to live serenely
Cares will cease

From the hills I gather courage
Visions of the days to be
Strength to lead and faith to follow
All are given unto me

Peace I ask of thee, oh river
Peace, peace peace

-- Song for Girl Scouts, learned at Camp Wasiu circa 1955


One of your favorite bloggers?

Oh, dear--now I will have to keep up this 5x/weekly thing, just to maintain my reputation.

(Thank you. Really.)
Elaine Merrill said…
Hey, whatever it takes to keep you writing! (Yes, one of my faves. Thank you.)
Sunshine said…
Thank you, thank you.. And wanted to tell you I learned that song at Girl Scout Camp, too.
More later...

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