Good-Day, Sunshine

The sun has indeed been out the last two mornings I've run early--Friday and today. In the Bay Area, a clear sky can only mean one thing: Summer's almost over. Around here, summer = fog and fog = summer.
This is an ordinary BART support pillar, but wait--that's early morning sunlight painting its flat surfaces a pale gold. All hail the sun!

This morning not only was the sun shining, the moon was hanging around too.

And flowers preened in the clean white dawn.

My running life has resumed, I'm glad to say. I'm a little slower; the runs are a little shorter. But I'm out there, and for that profoundly grateful. For the time being I'm going with a weekly schedule that includes two street runs, two workouts at the gym (which include short treadmill runs), and one swim. Two plus two plus one equals five, so that leaves two days when I rest. Usually they're work days, meaning I walk briskly those days (and every work day) for at least 2.5 miles.

On swim days I ride my bike to the pool and back for an easy warm-up and then a gentle cool-down.
My swim-day ride last week provided this reminder that I must be in Berkeley. Good morning Mr. POTUS!

Way back in the day, when I was in school and learning to see like a photographer, I was conscious that the nature of my looking was changing. It was a dynamic change, one that continues to evolve to this day. Often I muse about ways of seeing when I'm walking, lost in thought, and unintentionally focusing on the ground.
I call this my ghost of a pussycat photo--or was it a raccoon?


Sunshine said…
Oh joy! to read that you are resuming a schedule that includes running! Best wishes.

It always delights me to see the moon still hanging around in the sunrise. .. draws me out into the vast space of suns and planets.

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