Going Long in LA

Had a successful "long" run this morning, an experience I wasn't sure I could count on given the state of my left calf. A couple of nights ago I was awakened by a major-league cramp in that calf, a cramp knotted so hard that all I could do was gasp in pain and let it take its own sweet time to ease up. It did, but since then the area has been painful to the touch and the soreness has slowed down my usually energetic daily walks. But faint heart never won fair lady, er, I mean faint heart never propelled a fair lady out the door to run, so this morning I suited up and headed out an hour before dawn to begin what was scheduled to be a 10-miler. Picture me: It's dark. It's pitch dark. The falling rain is light but steady. There are puddles, puddles that reflect the red, green, and yellow of stoplights--and also the soles of my Sauconys as I every now and then go airborne in a vain attempt to keep my feet dry. I'm at mile 6 or so, and slightly lost--I think...