Account -- Ability, Day 5
Above: Me in the barre room at the gym, holding my ever-present phone and continuing the ongoing electronic chronicle that seems at times to be my only life.
It's confusing. I'm standing next to the sink in the bathroom, brushing my hair. My phone pings. It's a text from my daughter-in-law: a lovely picture of my one-year old granddaughter. The phone pings again. It's my nephew, who tells me that he and his wife just got into town. Another ping--my daughter-in-law's sister has replied to the photo of my granddaughter by posting her own picture--it's her adorable daughter.
While I'm replying to the photo-texts, as I scroll through my text file I see a draft I typed last week to send to my niece, who is in Pennsylvania. I send it to her now, explaining that I forgot to send it after I wrote it. Another ping--my nephew is in the doctor's office now for the meeting that brought him to town. Ping--my daughter's mother weighs in on the adorableness of the two little girls. The next ping is from my niece--just three identical emojies of a smiley face wearing dark glasses.
I hear the downstairs front door open. It's Z, home briefly to pick up some paperwork. What? An actual human being? I give him a short smooch and let him go--I need to get back to texting with my peeps.
It's confusing.
And now I'm electronically telling my texting peeps about my electronically infused life--which, of course, no matter how crowded it may seem, mostly happens when I'm all alone.
My suggestion to you: Shut down your device and get out and walk or run before the day gets too hot. Yes, do as I say, not as I do.
Food for thought as you walk or run: My niece just texted me that a banana is an herb, not a fruit. This random fact makes me a little bananas. No offense, dear niece. 😇