Accountability -- Day 16

Q: What did the fish say when it ran into a wall? A: Dam! 

That's kind of how I feel today. My "damn" came at 5:15 am when I had to get out of bed because both my hips were so painful that I couldn't sleep lying on either side. My comment yesterday that I was a bit stiff from Sunday turned out to be an understatement. I'm not super alarmed yet--still confident I can run in the GG Relay on April 30--but am alarmed enough to ratchet down my running for a few days. I already feel less sore now than I did 12 hours ago and am pretty sure I will be able to run gently by Thursday or Friday.

In the spirit of accountability, let me describe my day up to this point.

What I did: Started the daily Sudoku in the newspaper. (I often read the "paper" online, but find that marking my Sudoku answers on actual paper is a lot less messy that doing it on my computer screen.) 

Other activities: Watched a bird eat seed I'd scattered on the deck rail, and smiled sympathetically at Danny Mo the  clawless, toothless cat as he dreamed tiger dreams of taking that bird DOWN. Gazed longingly at the swimming pool, which is too chilly to get in as yet. Watched two previously recorded episodes of Jeopardy and was sure I could defeat all the champion wannabe's I saw.

Where and when I did these things: All around the house and for most of the day.

How it felt: Strange. I did get out and do some errands, including a trip to take some 20-year-old clothes to Goodwill. Spent more time in the car during this day than I generally do in a week. At one point I speculated about whether this is what my life will be like when I get too old and frail to run. I don't know when that will be, but I do know it is inevitable--I've been in this life quite a while, and, paradoxically, the more I stay around, the more real it is to me that no matter how long some people may live, no one--not even me!--gets out alive.

My whimsical moment of contemplating my eventual decline into a vegetative state didn't last long. For I know that if you are addicted to being in motion, when you can't run, you walk. When you can't walk, you swim. When you can't swim, you prop yourself up on a stationary bike and pedal away. When you can't prop or be propped, you flop in bed and watch Jeopardy reruns until, mercifully, you die of boredom.

Photos: Because I haven't moved much (it's almost 5 pm and I'm only at 4,529 steps on my fitness tracker), you'd think I'd have taken more pictures. Hey, even my snapshot finger ached today. 

Keep on running!

Ps. I went into my blog settings today to see why people's comments haven't been visible during my accountability challenge. I poked around and did get one to appear, but only one. I know there have been more comments because I can see them on my Blogger dashboard. The one that did show up had been posted as "Anonymous," so I'm thinking if you select "Anonymous" in the drop-down menu that might work. If you want to be identified, just put your name somewhere in the comment box. Or you can comment on Facebook if you'd like. I love feedback!


BoomerNV said…
Here's my feedback and you may not know it, but you semi-quoted one of the Nevada Clan's favorite television shows. Sorry you're a little worn. When is your next race (signed up for)?
Elaine Merrill said…
I've heard you say it--almost credited you. Hey--your comment showed up!!

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