Monkeying Around

Of course today's font has to be green. It's spring! Spring, and I spent the early morning today monkeying around. I did my longest run since the LA Marathon (three weeks ago) and it took me out the Berkeley Pier, east to West Berkeley (think about that) and then up to the 'hood, where I monkeyed around until I hit the 8-mile mark.

To back up a moment here, yes, I did run/walk the LA Marathon. There was some build-up to the event in this blog, I know, about my excitement and apprehension, but post-marathon lethargy has kept me from posting about it yet. I can tell you, the actual day was wonderful. Both my boys and their families supported me above and beyond the call of filial duty. 

The course was packed with enthusiastic spectators--bands! DJs! cheerleaders! adorable children! handsome cops!--and the weather was decent, although really warmer than ideal. I felt that my training served me well. I stayed hydrated and sufficiently fueled, and never really bonked the way I did at both CIM and Oakland in recent years. 

My only regret is that my time was so slow. Blame it on the heat. Blame it on the line at the porta-potty at mile 10. Blame it on my desire to walk a mile with both my grandchildren and my beautiful daughters-in-law. Whatever. The result was my slowest marathon ever. I swore it was my last, but OF COURSE now I'm thinking, just one more, where I actually do everything I did in preparation for this one but also just move more consistently (and faster).

Yikes. This post was supposed to be about monkeying around on my run this morning. But here I am, still under the influence of endorphins, telling you what's really on my mind. Transparency in blogging? What's next? Transparency in government? Kidding.

At any rate, I'm so glad I ran LA (thanks, Kathryn), so glad it is spring. May your running/walking/swimming/biking/napping bring you joy today!


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