The Jitters

For at least the last three days I have a feeling I've been impossible to live with. I'd ask Z if that's true, but I don't want to know the answer. I'm fearful about everything. A bike ride to the gym today felt like a life-threatening proposition. What if I got hit by a train in Emeryville? What if I got a flat and my cell phone didn't work? What if I made it alive to the gym but while I was there dropped a 20-pound weight on my foot and busted every metatarsal I own? (I know, fat chance that I could lift a 20-pound weight. But still.)

I've been in the grip of what feels like existential angst--what is the meaning of life??!!??! It has no meaning.  We're all doomed. Etcetera. 

The feeling is familiar, and I recognize that it usually hits right on schedule a few days before a long race. Oh, such as the Berkeley Half Marathon, coming up this Sunday? Uh, yeah.

Looking through my trove of phone photos, trying to find something appropriate for this whiny post. How about a raccoon paw print in the concrete? Something very sweet about it, really. 

Or how about a marvelous spiderweb of a reflection I accidentally created in the kitchen sink by holding a veggie steamer in front of a sunny window? Hmmm. That's nice. Even though I've been busy deciding nothing on this earth is nice. 

Finally, how about a sunrise over the bay? It's mostly nice too, despite the fact that the picture taker suffered a sudden list to the left at the crucial moment of exposure.

Okay, I guess the world has its moments. It still seems a bit scary to me, but I have a feeling it will look marvelous come Sunday about noontime. 

"The world is so full of a number of things, I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings."
--Robert Louis Stevenson


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