Yahoo, Yasso

It was off to the track again this morning, for installment #2 of the Yasso 800s project. 

The track was ready for me--on the field someone had stenciled a giant "E" in the end zone. I'm sure they knew I was coming.

I had a good run--not much to say about it, except that I'm still trying to capture not only the spirit of the Yasso 800s but also the mechanics, as in, how fast I need to run. Let's just say my comprehensive understanding is a work in progress.

My ultimate goal is two-fold: to increase my weeklly mileage without getting hurt, and to wring as much speed from my aging body as I can without getting hurt. 

(I guess you could add "without getting hurt" to most anything I aspire to do, running-wise.)

Yesterday I was beat from running long Sunday and short Monday, so I took a 20-minute nap in the afternoon. This morning I felt just fine. Fine enough to appreciate this tree that I passed on my way home from the track. I am an unabashed tree lover, y'know. Have even been known to hug a tree or two when no one's looking. 


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