Keeping On Keeping On

That's me. Not running as I'd like to be running (fast! free! gloriously!), but running, nevertheless. It's been a while since I caught up in this space, so here I am, committed to doing that--even if my post is short and slightly south of the apex on the sweetness meter.

I am continuing to train for the Oakland half, which is March 24. My running is almost exclusively in LA, where most days you'll find me still doing the granny-nanny two-step. My hip/piriformis/SI joint/name your hip pain here is still with me, but treatment by a chiropractic wizard plus some determined stretching and strengthening on my part have kept me on the roads.

Do we love it that the days are getting longer, even though it's still January? One reason to run early is to experience the wonder of a.m. light. Nothing sweeter to a morning person like me.

This morning it was 8 miles (two weeks ago I did 10, then last week 6.25), most of it along Wilshire Boulevard in the predawn darkness. The broad streets of LA are actually perfect for early runs--they're clean, they're light, they're empty. And they provide a breather every now and then in the form of a red light lasting up to 30 seconds. Their main drawback for me is that the concrete sidewalks are mighty hard. When I'm doing a street run I also try to run through Westwood Park and take a quick tour of the VA center grounds, just to give my joints a brief respite. 

Next Sunday I'll do 10; the Sunday after that I'll be in Pocatello, Idaho, where the predawn temps have been hovering around 2 degrees Farenheit. I'll let you know how that goes. 

In the meantime, may all your runs be sweet and may all your dawns be glorious! Now breathe on--


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