I've Been Remiss
I have wanted to post--no disenchantment with blogging here--but somehow I just haven't made it to this space in a while. Since CIM I have done many runs, even a 5-mile fun run / race on New Year's Day. I've remained healthy enough, although it's about that new twinge I've been getting on the inside of my right knee --
Anyway. The most shocking thing to me is that I just haven't been taking many phone photos on my runs. I'm sure that's mostly because I've done so much running with my fellow club members and team members, and when these people are running they tend to keep on running, not stopping the way I often do to take some quirky picture. Between track most Tuesday nights and the LMJS training group Saturday mornings, for the time being I'm running in a lot of company. (The training group is in preparation for the Oakland Marathon, at the end of March.)
Consistently running with other people is a new experience for me, and I'm finding that for the most part I like it. They tend to keep me honest, that is, to keep me running at a slightly faster and more consistent pace than I would choose on my own.
I do still run alone once or twice a week, but those runs take place mostly in the dark and will continue to happen there until the sun quits staying in bed so long. Hard to take pictures in the dark (witness my sky photo, to the left--sad, huh).
Much better is the image at the top of this post, taken at 7:20 am two days after Christmas on an early morning run in, yes, Culver City. Z and I were in LA for Christmas, which was a treat. Cold weather for the southland, however, just like we've been having in the Bay Area.
I do have it on good authority that spring is on the way. (A little bird told me.) So look for photos of sunshine and lollipops coming to this space soon.