Be Here Now
In keeping with my New Year's resolution to be happy with whatever is happening, I'm not making any plans for running specific races this year. I intend instead to stay in touch with whatever is really going on with my knee and to try and plan for ways to exercise and still promote healing. (At some point I may go to a doctor--haven't defined that point yet.)
So yesterday I headed out on the Ohlone Greenway, only instead of running the half-mile or so it takes to get there from my house, I walked. When I got to the dirt path I ran slowly. I ended up going all the way to Brighton Street (about 2.5 miles from home) and back but did that by a combination of running and walking. It did feel wonderful to be outdoors and not on a gym machine. My leg and hip were sore the rest of the day, and I can't quite decide whether the soreness was just the normal aftermath of running or a more ominous aftermath of re-injury. All I will do at this point is to keep exploring how much I can push--on this day. Tomorrow's push will be a fresh story.