Short But Incredibly Sweet

The title could refer to this on-the-fly post (except for the "sweet" part, mebbe), but really I am describing the run I went on this morning at 6 a.m.

It's no secret to anyone even slightly acquainted with me that I'm very sick of my hip injury, which as a matter of fact is 11 weeks old this very day. I've whined a lot.

I have continued to work out in various ways, some of them painful and none of them noticeably effective. So this morning I tried again. I was out on the section of the Ohlone Greenway that runs under the BART tracks for about an hour (rode my bike down there so I could keep my tender self off the pavement). Of that hour, I trotted along for some 26 minutes, meaning that even if I have lost so much speed that I'm only running 13-minute miles, I still ran two miles. And now, at 1:20 in the afternoon, I feel good. As in, I'm pain-free. I know better now than to think I'm fully back, but I am letting myself believe that I'm closer to being there than I've ever been before in the course of this healing process. I say, "yay!"

I love the way the ivy has grown up through the center of the sign pole and is now curling up out of the top (note the lateral sprig, too) and extending a tentacle in search of something else to climb. It must be summer!

And I thought the 60s were over in Berkeley. Don't try to tell that to the owners of these vehicles.

I never know what I'll see next on my morning adventures. I'm grateful that today I could ambulate on my own two feet. Doubt I'd have gotten far if I'd tried to ride one of these beauties--


Liz said…
I'm glad to hear that you're getting "back on your feet" again. I'm sure your running routes have missed you.

Your photos are always fun, too. Thanks for sharing!
Sunshine said…
Oh joy! A million congratulations for your 2 mile run!

Fun to see your pictures, too.

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