Post-Rain Update

Gold-colored text for a gray day. Went for a post-rain run this morning and it restored me somewhat. Yesterday it poured and I took the coward's way out and didn't run, despite desperately needing to do just that. I've been going through some rough times, emotionally, which are hard to talk about in a blog that I try to keep positive and upbeat. But reality will out, and the reality is that an unexpected death in the family has had me sad. I ended up with only two runs this past week, totaling a pitiful 12.25 miles. This following last week's similarly low total. Feh.

Today is the day we "fall back" for the end of daylight saving time, so when I crept out into the dark it was officially only 5:20 am. The world was dark, clean, and silent! It was cool and lovely too. After my cranky body warmed up I felt good and flew right along on the now-lit Ohlone Greenway. (Yay for lights!)

Here's what I saw:
A toddler playground on the planet Mars. (Hey, I TOLD you I was flying--pretty high, no?)

Trees and a light standard turned upside-down. Puddles are one of the best bits of fallout resulting from rain. Get it? Rainfall-out?

Evidence of human caring. Looks like just a tipsy cone, but in it I see the native plants and the narrow dirt path that are currently being installed alongside the already paved greenway. Yes, evidence: evidence that we hopped-up, multitasking 21st-century critters do still love being outdoors, love moving our bodies, love the natural world--despite how we sometimes treat it.


Sunshine said…
Your pictures are always interesting.
I appreciate them.. and you.

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