Gotta Do This

I started this post day before yesterday--must get it done and out of the way! My idea was just to post all my recent photos and then see if I could think of anything to say regarding them. In pondering these photos, and by extension the meaning of running in my life, I find it relevant to note that a high percentage of my running is done at dawn. How I love the gift of a brand new day.Two weekends ago Z and I went down south to visit my sons. I've yet to find any good trails in the flats of Burbank, where we stay, but I do enjoy running there nevertheless. (The Chandler Bike Trail doesn't count for me because it's concrete--too hard for these old bones to run on for long.)

The above photo of the lovely Burbank water treatment plant was taken from a freeway overpass; the one below was taken in anticipation of my post-run reward--a big breakfast at the Coral Cafe.
Flowers. In our front yard. One time I heard "blue food" defined as something of a color "not found in nature." Well, here's blue, and natural as it can be.

On Oct. 16 my running companion was a fat full moon. I believe I stayed within the speed limit.

Apologies that this is such a lame post. I'm working on being enthusiastic, but am dragging a bit right now. More before long, and more that is mo' betta.

Keep on breathing--


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