Short and to the Point

Emeryville Point Park, that is. Which is where I went this morning--about 3 miles out and 3 miles back. Today was the SF Marathon; at one time I had thoughts of running the half but my knee talked me out of it. My friend EB did run it and I'm hoping it went well for him. I thought about him all day long.

When I stopped on my run this morning to do my crunches I was treated to the light of the dawn dancing in the oncoming fog. It was the beginning of a special day--the sixth anniversary of my wedding to Z. A blessed day! The only man I've ever met who is almost as silly as I am.


Gorgeous Nerd said…
Happy belated anniversary to you and Z! I can't believe it's been six years.
Bob said…
to repeat from email:

Sunshine said…
Oh JOY!! Happy Anniversary ... Happy New Year of your marriage ... Happy life.

Nice picture of the sky.

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