Random photo of the blogster many years after March 22, 1978 Today is March 22, 2018. I'm flashing back to March 22, 1978--some forty years ago. The scene: I'm living in Key West on Rose Street with my husband-at-the-time and our two sons. It is a warm and muggy day, one of many such days for those who live in Key West. My husband-at-the-time is at work. Both boys, the older, who is seven years old and the younger, who is not quite four, are taking a nap. I peek into the back bedroom and see them sleeping, sweating peacefully, wearing just their shorts and sprawling on top of the covers. I've been padding around the house barefoot on the speckled terrazzo floor, which is still fairly cool. I decide to go outside--maybe I'll turn the hose on and water the parched miniature palm by the front gate. My new red sneakers are on the rattan couch, so I grab some socks and sit to put the shoes on. I pick up the left one, admiring its color and the snazzy whit...