When I Awoke
When I awoke this morning the fog lay heavy on the ground. Looking out, I felt a non-specific dread, a foreboding with no shape but that was real and scary nonetheless. This a.m. dread is not new for me--something in the way I'm wired brings it on way too frequently. In response I've developed a technique for dealing with it, so I used my technique today. It's not original with me, but I'm always happy to adopt a behavior that just might help chase the devil away. The technique: I say to myself, "Today you have a choice. You can be fearful and negative about everything all day, or you can choose to think positive, keep yourself on an even keel, and make this next 24 hours a good--dare I say uplifting?--day. Which will it be?" This morning I answered "Positive, please." Then I remembered what had happened yesterday, election day in America. How to feel positive about that ? First, strip away my emotional reaction and go to the heart of what...