As Grow All Living Things. . .
. . . so grow I. About four weeks ago I was doing my pre-run calf stretch, leaning against the neighbor's fence, when I noticed a small wisteria twining up the side of the house. It was pale and almost leafless and exhibited a few dessicated, droopy buds scattered the length of the vine. If I thought anything at all, it was that this was one poor-looking, almost-dead plant. After that day I didn't run for a couple of days--and then I went out of town for five more days. The day after I returned I went for an early morning run. As I absent-mindedly stretched at the fence, I was suddenly snapped awake by the visual feast before me. The "dead" wisteria was lush, green, and loaded with hanging clumps of purple blossoms that fairly vibrated with life. This morning I went for my first post-marathon run. At the fence I observed the wisteria, which is now fully green but mostly blossom-less. In the same way I know my own name, I know that all that lives rises up and then fall...